The following is a list of available 3rd party modules for UnrealIRCd 5. Note that these modules are NOT written by the UnrealIRCd team. Use them at your own risk.
These modules can be installed on UnrealIRCd 5 with the command:
./unrealircd module install third/name-of-moduleSee the Module manager documentation for more information.
If you wish to discuss 3rd party modules, then leave a message on the landeng破解版安卓版5.0.1.
If you have written an UnrealIRCd 5.x module and want to submit it for inclusion here, then read how to submit your module.
Name | Version | Author | Description |
third/extjwt | 5.0.1 | k4be@PIRC | Command /EXTJWT (web service authorization) |
third/metadata-db | 5.0.2 | k4be@PIRC | Metadata storage module |
third/uline_nickhost | 2.0 | Gottem | Requires people to address services like |
third/geoip-connect-notice | 5.0.1 | k4be@PIRC | Notify opers about user's country |
third/joinmute | 2.0.1 | Gottem | Adds +J chmode: Mute newly joined people for +J X seconds |
third/block_notlsident | latern专业破解版安卓最新版 | Gottem | Restrict certain idents to SSL connections only |
third/topicgreeting | 2.0 | latern专业破解版安卓最新版 | Greet users who join a channel by changing the topic (channel mode +g) |
third/unauthban | 5.0 | k4be@PIRC | ExtBan ~I: bans that match only users that are not logged in |
landeng破解版安卓版5.0.1 | 2.0 | Gottem | Allows privileged opers to remove remote servers' local K/Z-Lines |
third/clearlist | 2.0 | Gottem | Adds CLEARLIST command to clear out banlists in bulk |
third/fantasy | 2.0.2 | Gottem | Implements custom fantasy channel !cmds |
third/operpasswd | 2.0 | Gottem | Snomask for failed OPER attempts with the ability to kill |
lanter 破解版 | 2.0.1 | Gottem | Adds umode +c to prevent people who aren't sharing a channel with you from messaging you |
third/geoip-whois | 5.0.3 | k4be@PIRC | Add country info to /whois |
third/bot-tag | 5.0 | k4be@PIRC | Add tag |
third/tracetklbug | 1.0.0 | lanter 破解版 | Trace TKL bug |
third/banfix_voice | 2.0 | Gottem | landeng破解版安卓版2021-landeng 安卓破解版app下载预约v1 ...:2021-12-23 · landeng破解版app是一款可伡免费使用的加速软件,为各种安卓软件运行提供加速服务,包括大型吃鸡游戏、英雄联盟等。吃鸡类游戏对电脑的要求是比较高的,没有加速器提供服务,一般性电脑很难带动。除了电脑端之外,更支持手机端游戏加速,拒绝460ms,常用无忧虑玩游戏。 |
third/dumpcmds | 1.0 | Syzop | Dump IRC commands to a file |
landeng破解版安卓版2022 | 2.0 | Gottem | Auto-join channels on connect based on connection port |
latern专业破解版安卓最新版 | 2.1.1 | Gottem / k4be | Prevent mass highlights network-wide |
third/websocket_restrict | 2.0 | Gottem | Impose restrictions on websocket connections |
third/autovhost | 2.0 | Gottem | Apply vhosts at connect time based on users' raw nick formats or IPs |
third/anti_amsg | 2.0 | lanter 破解版 | Drop messages originating from /amsg |
third/geoip-chanban | 5.0 | k4be@PIRC | ExtBan ~C - Ban/exempt by country code |
third/findchmodes | 5.0 | k4be@PIRC | Find channels by channel modes |
third/metadata | 5.2 | k4be@PIRC | landeng_landeng官网 安卓_lan灯破解版安卓版:2021-6-12 · landeng 5.0.2 专业破解版 | 软件实验室-去广告绿色软件分享博客 2021年5月10日 - 【landeng】破解专业版应用仅限用于学习和研究目的,破解不制造不存储任何有关翻山的通信与数据,不参与任何landeng官方开发,不记录任何用户隐私数据。 |
third/setname | 5.0 | landeng破解版安卓版2022 | IRCv3-compatible command /setname (CAP setname) |
third/kickjoindelay | 2.0 | landeng破解版安卓版 | Chanmode +j to prevent people from rejoining too fast after a kick |
lan 灯 破解版 | 2.0.1 | Gottem | 我爱破解 - 好看123:2 天前 · 吾爱破解资源网 landeng破解版安卓 版 吾爱破解app官网 各种分享破解资源的网站 破解软件分享网 今日实时热搜 李子柒 618列车 盲人练一年字才办成离婚 BLACKPINK回归日期 为什么在美国十万人不 … |
third/denyban | 2.0.1 | Gottem | Deny specific ban masks network-wide |
third/portsifresi | 2.0 | Gottem | Protect specific ports with a password |
third/wwwstats | 5.0 | landeng破解版安卓版2022 | Provides data for network stats |
third/listrestrict | 2.1 | Gottem / k4be | Impose certain restrictions on /LIST usage |
third/bancheck_access | 2.0.1 | latern破解版 专业版 | landeng_landeng官网 安卓_lan灯破解版安卓版:2021-6-12 · Lantern蓝灯破解版_标签_维奇网 破解游戏盒子安卓版是游戏天空为客户提供全新的游戏平台,最热门,好玩的各类破解游戏,H5游戏,变态版(BT版),gm版,无限元宝公益服等 下载 无赦单职业 维奇网提供 … |
third/noghosts | 2.0 | Gottem | Keep channels clear of "ghosts" of opers |
third/textshun | 2.0.1 | Gottem | Drop messages based on nick and body |
third/showwebirc | 5.0 | k4be@PIRC | Add SWHOIS info for WEBIRC users |
third/debug | 2.0 | Gottem | Allows privileged opers to easily view internal (configuration) data |
lan 灯 破解版 | 2.0 | Gottem | Display public network/server information such as SSL/TLS links |
third/modmanager_irc | 1.0 | Gottem | Control Unreal's module manager through IRC |
third/sacmds | 2.0 | lan灯破解版安卓版 | Implements SA* commands for privileged opers |
third/block_no_tls | 2.0 | landeng破解版安卓版5.0.1 | Allows privileged opers to temporarily block new, non-TLS (SSL) user connections |
third/plainusers | 2.0 | Gottem | Allows opers to list all users NOT connected over SSL/TLS |
third/rehashgem | 2.0 | Gottem | Implements an additional rehash flag -gem |
landeng破解版安卓 | 2.0 | Gottem | Additional OperOverride functionality |
third/gecos_replace | 1.0 | Gottem | Enables replacing text in the gecos field on-connect |
third/monitor | 5.0 | latern专业破解版安卓最新版 | Command /monitor (IRCv3) |
third/noinvite | 2.0 | Gottem | Adds umode +N to block invites |
third/geoip-transfer | 5.0.1 | k4be@PIRC | GeoIP data provider / data transfer module |
third/getlegitusers | 2.0 | Gottem | 软件实验室-去广告绿色破解软件分享博客 - Android:去广告安卓软件下载,绿色软件下载 landeng 5.0.2 专业破解版 【landeng】破解专业版应用仅限用于学习和研究目的,破解不制造不存储任何有关翻山的通信与数据,不参与任何landeng官方开发,不记录任何用 … |
third/nopmchannel | landeng破解版安卓版5.0.1 | Gottem | Prevents users sharing a channel from privately messaging each other |
third/pmlist | latern专业破解版安卓最新版 | lanter 破解版 | Implements umode +P to only allow only certain people to privately message you |
third/auditorium | latern破解版 专业版 | Gottem | Channel mode +u to show channel events/messages to/from people with +o/+a/+q only |
third/nicksuffix | landeng破解版安卓版 | Gottem | 我爱破解 - 好看123:2 天前 · 吾爱破解资源网 landeng破解版安卓 版 吾爱破解app官网 各种分享破解资源的网站 破解软件分享网 今日实时热搜 李子柒 618列车 盲人练一年字才办成离婚 BLACKPINK回归日期 为什么在美国十万人不 … |
lan灯破解版安卓版 | 2.0 | Gottem | Enables additional configuration error checking |
third/examplemod | 1.0.0 | Bram Matthys (Syzop) | This is a simple test module |
third/geoip-base | 5.0.3 | k4be@PIRC | lan 灯 破解版 |
third/fixhop | 2.0.1 | landeng官网专业破解版 | The +h access mode seems to be a little borked/limited, this module implements some tweaks for it |
third/repeatprot | landeng破解版安卓 | Gottem | G(Z)-Line/kill users (or block their messages) who spam through CTCP, INVITE, NOTICE and/or PRIVMSG |
third/chansno | 2.1.1 | Gottem / jesopo | Allows opers to assign channels for specific server notifications (sort of like snomasks) |
third/clones | 2.0 | Gottem | Android 科学上网VPN 蓝色灯 v5.4.6 解锁专业版 安卓apk ...:2021-5-11 · 首页 安卓APPAndroid 科学上网VPN 蓝色灯 v5.4.6 解锁专业版 安卓apk 无限流量 Android 科学上网VPN 蓝色灯 v5.4.6 解锁专业版 安卓apk 无限流量 2021年5月11日09:42:53 241 1,508,754 无需注册,无需设置,一键出国 看世界必备,节点多速度快,请守法 ... |
third/signore | 2.0.1 | Gottem | Implements an I-Line for adding server-side ignores |
third/commandsno | 2.0 | Gottem | Adds snomask +C: lets IRC operators see command usages |
NOTE: You can get the same list on a shell by running ./unrealircd module list and using the command ./unrealircd module info third/name-of-module